Ohio fluoroscopy training requirement
Our Fluoroscopy CME courses for satisfying Ohio fluoroscopy regulations work!
A study published in Academic Radiology showed that patient dose decreased after radiology residents took our Advanced Training Program. More details are available here.
Chapter 3701:1-66, section 7 of the Ohio administrative code requires individuals likely to receive an annual effective dose equivalent in excess of one millisievert from participating in fluoroscopic procedures, shall receive radiation protection training specific to fluoroscopy prior to performing or participating in fluoroscopic procedures.
What specific training topics does Ohio require?
- Basic properties of radiation and biological effects of X-rays;
- Radiation protection methods for patients and staff;
- Units of measurement and dose, including DAP (dose-area product) values & air kerma;
- Factors affecting fluoroscopic outputs and high level control options;
- Dose management including dose reduction techniques, monitoring, and recording;
- Principles and operation of the specific fluoroscopic x-ray system(s) to be used;
- Fluoroscopic and fluorographic outputs of each mode of operation on the system(s) to be used clinically;
- Meets the Joint Commission environment of care (EC.02.04.03 and HR.01.05.03) fluoroscopy standards which necessitate ongoing education and annual training for individuals use fluoroscopic equipment (HR.01.05.03).
All users must complete a minimum of 4 hours of CME training. The Basic Training Program from FluoroSafety provides training that meets these requirements.
Users of fluoroscopy who perform FGI, fluoroscopically guided interventions (i.e., any percutaneous procedure guided by fluoroscopy), must complete a minimum of 8 hours of CME training. The Advanced Training Program from FluoroSafety provides training that meets these requirements.
You can also earn MOC and SA-CME for these courses...
The top quality educational programs from FluoroSafety have been approved for Self-Assessment CME (SA-CME) credit for Maintenance of Certification (MOC) by most American Board of Medical Specialties members. Our courses provide self-assessment CME to meet MOC requirements for the American Board of Internal Medicine, American Board of Anesthesiology, American Board of Radiology, American Board of Surgery and American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Click here for more details on MOC for ABMS member boards.
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Acapedia is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
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